Engaging the security community

We are proud to partner with others in the industry that share the collective goal of advancing the security community.

Our industry partners and affiliations

Autodesk supports the work of those advancing security through innovation. Members of our Security team are actively involved with the following professional organizations.

CSA is dedicated to providing best practices for security assurance and education on the uses of cloud computing.

IAPP helps organizations successfully manage privacy risks like data breaches, and identity theft, and protect their data.

OWASP is focused on improving the security of software by issuing software tools and documentation on application security.

SAFECode is dedicated to increasing trust in information technology services through effective software assurance methods.

Help us stay secure


Help us protect our applications by reporting a security incident, bug, or vulnerability found within an Autodesk product or service.


Avoid software failure, increased exposure to malware, and associated risks by using genuine Autodesk software. Visit Autodesk Genuine to learn more.

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