Autodesk 123D apps

Autodesk is no longer offering 123D

Over the past few years, millions of people have unlocked their creativity with the Autodesk 123D apps and community.

We’re incredibly proud of these products, and even more proud of what you all have MADE with them. But we recognize that the portfolio has become complex.

We are making some changes to simplify our Autodesk portfolio and workflows for people everywhere who love to make things. We are consolidating these tools and features into key apps such as Tinkercad, Fusion 360, and ReCap Pro.

123D Design: try these products instead

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123D Sculpt+: try these products instead

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123D Make: try Slicer for Fusion 360

Built upon the 123 Make technology, Slicer for Fusion 360 is a free tool to slice and convert 3D models into 2D patterns that can be cut flat.

To help build a model, Slicer for Fusion 360 also creates 3D instructions you can interact with. Create a model in Fusion 360 and with a few clicks you can send your model to Slicer for Fusion 360.

123D Catch: try ReCap Pro

Use ReCap reality capture software to convert reality into a 3D model or 2D drawing that’s ready for further design.

  • Create 3D models from scans and photos
  • Import CAD geometry
  • Combine UAV, drone, and laser scan data
  • Convert point clouds into a mesh
  • Expanded photogrammetry capabilities


Tinkercad is a free web-based 3D design and 3D printing tool for people of all ages.

Tinkercad is used by designers, hobbyists, teachers, and kids, to make home decor, toys, jewelry, Minecraft models, and more.

Free design software


We offer free Autodesk software for students and educators. Use the same design software as top professionals around the world.


Fusion 360 offers free use to qualifying startup and hobbyist makers through a simple 3-step activation process.

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